General Meeting XR Eindhoven
Price: Free
New rebels are welcome
XR Eindhoven meets every month for the general meeting in which we discuss everything that is going on in our group. Would you like to watch or participate (once)? You are most welcome!
We start at 20:00 and expect to be busy until 22:00, with a short break in between.
We meet in the rebel base in Eindhoven.
XR Eindhoven Rebelbase
Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50)
5652 AK Eindhoven
If the gate is closed, please call +31 402405224.
Questions or do you want to receive the agenda? Send a few days before the meeting an email to xreindhoven@protonmail.com.
We meet in the rebel base in Eindhoven.
XR Eindhoven Rebelbase
Hurksestraat 20 (unit 50)
5652 AK Eindhoven
If the gate is closed, please call +31 402405224.
Questions or do you want to receive the agenda? Send a few days before the meeting an email to xreindhoven@protonmail.com.
Rebelbase Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Nederland