Hundreds of years of exploitation and destruction have brought us to the brink of the abyss. All over the planet people are losing their way of life, their environment, and their lives. We only have a few years left to avert the worst effects of the climate crisis, if we’re not already too late. The sixth mass extinction has begun. What we do in the next few years will determine the future of life on Earth.
We are people from all over the country, of different ages and backgrounds. What unites us is a deep concern for the climate and ecological crisis and life on Earth. We are grandparents, parents, and children who are part of an international movement that fights for a livable and just planet.
Join the thousands of people that are already taking real meaningful action with Extinction Rebellion. Whoever you are or however much time you have, there is a place for you within our movement.
Fri 24 Jan
Fri 24 Jan
Guerrilla Fashion tijdens de Uitnacht Arnhem
Fast fashion kan nooit ecologisch of duurzaam zijn
18:00 – 22:00 • Arnhem • Dutch spoken
Sat 25 Jan
Sat 25 Jan
A10 Blokkade ING Stop Fossiele Financiering
We blokkeren de A10 bij de "poenschoen",
12:00 – 23:59 • Amsterdam • Dutch & English spoken