EAT & MEET with Extinction Rebellion Fryslân

Meeting Social Gathering Training or Lecture

21 February 2023

18:00 to 20:00

Zwettestraat 30a, Leeuwarden

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome
XR Fryslân welcomes everyone to join us for an introduction to the local group in Leeuwarden! 💥💥
Come say hi, and we will briefly explain how the group works and then we will have a vegan potluck (everyone brings some food) 🌱
When? Tuesday (14 Feb) and Tuesday (21 Feb)
18.00: Introduction to XR Fryslan for new people
18.30: Potluck for everyone
See you there!! ✌️



Zwettestraat 30a, Leeuwarden


Extinction Rebellion Fryslân