Guerrilla Fashion Amsterdam

Action All campaigns

26 October 2024

12:00 to 16:00

Amsterdam, Nederland

Dutch & English spoken

Price: Free

Registration is required
New rebels are welcome

Guerrilla Fashion is giving away clothes to protest fast fashion. This action is part of the International Guerrilla Fashion Action Weekend.

We are the fashion guerrillas!

We're worried about the fast fashion industry and we're taking action, hanging free second-hand clothes with specials tags in fast fashion stores.

The fashion industry represents up to 8% of global CO₂ emissions, more than aviation and shipping combined. It's powered by consumerism and forced labour. Every day, fast fashion companies spend billions trying to get us to buy more and more of their wasteful products.

But what if big clothes chains and shopping malls were places to redistribute the clothes we already have? To fix and take care of our world's resources? This is what inspired the international Guerrilla Fashion action.

What do we do?

We attach tags saying “take me/free clothes” to clean, stylish second-hand items.

We go to fast fashion stores, prioritising those with terrible policies and practices such as H&M, Zara and Primark. We also place tags with facts about the industry in pockets of clothes already in the store.

Afterwards there will be a demonstration! More details follow after you're signed up.

Sign up using the link below and join the Guerrilla Fashion movement!
Registration is required


Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederland