Guerrilla Fashion Eindhoven
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Price: Free
New rebels are welcome
Around Black Friday, Guerrilla Fashion organises several actions throughout the country. In Eindhoven we take to the streets to hand out clothes to shoppers, as an alternative to, and protest against, fast fashion!
Fast fashion is waste, pollution, climate damage and human rights violations: up to 8% of global CO₂ emissions, a third of all microplastics in the ocean, a fifth of the world’s water waste and countless fatalities, already, with more to come. Guerrilla Fashion was founded with one goal in mind:
On Saturday November 30th, the day after Black Friday, XR De Kempen will be giving away second-hand clothes on the streets of Eindhoven. In addition to the clothes, we'll also be handing out information to shoppers, and the hopeful message: there is another way!
Participating is easy, fun and very low-risk, so certainly also suitable for new rebels. If you want to join, or donate clothes, send an e-mail to DeKempen@protonmail.com.
Stop fast fashion!
On Saturday November 30th, the day after Black Friday, XR De Kempen will be giving away second-hand clothes on the streets of Eindhoven. In addition to the clothes, we'll also be handing out information to shoppers, and the hopeful message: there is another way!
Participating is easy, fun and very low-risk, so certainly also suitable for new rebels. If you want to join, or donate clothes, send an e-mail to DeKempen@protonmail.com.