Schiphol Action: who is the rebel?
Price: Free
Registration is appreciated
New rebels are welcome
Action: Who is the rebel?
Find out at Schiphol March 8th 09.00-18.00!
Soon, missions will appear in the style of a well-known TV programme that KLM can use to prevent (climate) misery at Schiphol Airport. If KLM manages to complete these missions, KLM can make our action smaller or even stop it altogether. Failing that? Then on 8 March, on International Women's Day and on the same day as the finale of our inspiration, it will be time for test and execution. Since KLM has mostly blundered so far, we are going to prepare for action. Unlike the original, we don't have 9 candidates and 1 mole, but 1 candidate (KLM) and lots of rebels. The more rebels, the better! Will you be there too? Sign up via this form!
Psst, KLM, are you reading along too? Want to earn an exemption for test and execution in advance and stop the whole action with that? You can! Then answer the following question correctly in a press release: KLM, are you stopping the frequent flyer programme Flying blue?
Want to know more about the background of the campaign? Check out our website! Other questions or comments? Contact us at stopflyingblue@proton.me.
PS, have you signed our petition yet?