Silent Reading Gathering

Social Gathering

30 March 2025

14:00 to 17:00

Den Haag, Nederland

Dutch & English spoken

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome

Come read your book of choice.

πŸ“šXR Silent Reading! πŸ“š

πŸ’œA moment to take a break from this chaotic daily life and take your time to finally enjoy your book which is probably taking dust on your night table!πŸ’œ

πŸ—“ Sunday, March 30th
πŸ“ Den Haag (sign up for address)

πŸšͺ Room opens: 14:00
✨ Reading starts: 14:15
πŸͺ± Reading finishes: 17:00

πŸ₯¨πŸ·Snacks and drinks will be provided
β€ΌοΈπŸš¨Do not forget to bring your book


Eerst aanmelden:, Den Haag, Nederland