April 2019
Declaration of Rebellion
Hundreds of rebels coloured the Plein in The Hague red as a message to the government: we are rebelling.
We take action to force the government and polluting companies to take responsibility. With our demands, we express what we want to achieve.
We demand a just transition that centres the needs and voices of those on the environmental frontline and holds to account those most responsible for ecological breakdown.*
We demand a just transition that centres the needs and voices of those on the environmental frontline and holds to account those most responsible for ecological breakdown.*
Tell the truth about the climate crisis and the ecological emergency that are threatening our survival. Make people aware of the need for fundamental change.
Tell the truth about the climate crisis and the ecological emergency that are threatening our survival. Make people aware of the need for fundamental change.
Act now and do what is necessary to stop the loss of biodiversity and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025. Do so in a fair and equitable manner.
Act now and do what is necessary to stop the loss of biodiversity and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025. Do so in a fair and equitable manner.
Let citizens decide on a fair and equitable transition by establishing a Citizens’ Assembly that will play a leading role in decision-making.
Let citizens decide on a fair and equitable transition by establishing a Citizens’ Assembly that will play a leading role in decision-making.
*Many groups within Extinction Rebellion have adopted ‘Demand0: Climate justice for all’, but not yet all of them.
The movement was founded in May 2018 in the UK. In early 2019, the first actions started in the Netherlands. Extinction Rebellion is now active in 89 countries. Globally, tens of thousands of people take action for the climate.
Hundreds of rebels coloured the Plein in The Hague red as a message to the government: we are rebelling.
Some 1,000 rebels blocked the Stadhouderskade. We demanded a better climate policy from the government. The action received a lot of media attention and we appeared on several talk shows.
XR Amsterdam protested against Shell’s greenwashing and got public transport company GVB Amsterdam on board: the company no longer shows Shell’s misleading advertisements.
Together with campaigners from other organisations, such as Fossielvrij NL, we got pension fund ABP to stop investing in fossil companies.
In November 2022, we blocked private jets at Schiphol Airport for hours together with Greenpeace activists. The message got across: Schiphol will stop private flights!
We continue to regularly block key roads and government buildings. And we organise other creative actions to enforce fair climate policies. Meanwhile, we reach more and more people and continue to grow.
Our actions are creative, disruptive and non-violent.
Why? Because history has shown time and again that this is an effective way to bring about rapid change.
Anyone can join Extinction Rebellion, on the condition that you agree with our principles and values. These are the starting point for the change we want to see in the world.
Creating a world that is fit for generations to come.
Creating a world that is fit for generations to come.
Mobilising 3.5% of the population to achieve system change – using ideas such as “momentum-driven organising” to achieve this.
Mobilising 3.5% of the population to achieve system change – using ideas such as “momentum-driven organising” to achieve this.
Creating a culture which is healthy, resilient and adaptable.
Creating a culture which is healthy, resilient and adaptable.
Leaving our comfort zones to take action for change.
Leaving our comfort zones to take action for change.
Following a cycle of action, reflection, learning, and planning for more action. Learning from other movements and contexts as well as our own experiences.
Following a cycle of action, reflection, learning, and planning for more action. Learning from other movements and contexts as well as our own experiences.
Working actively to create safer and more accessible spaces.
Working actively to create safer and more accessible spaces.
Breaking down hierarchies of power for more equitable participation.
Breaking down hierarchies of power for more equitable participation.
We live in a toxic system, but no one individual is to blame.
We live in a toxic system, but no one individual is to blame.
Using non-violent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change.
Using non-violent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change.
We collectively create the structures we need to challenge power. Anyone who follows these core principles and values can take action in the name of extinction rebellion.
We collectively create the structures we need to challenge power. Anyone who follows these core principles and values can take action in the name of extinction rebellion.
We organise ourselves in a way that fits our core principles and values. For example, we have a decentralised structure. That means we consist of several groups, which make their own decisions. There is no one group in charge. Even within the groups, we try to share influence fairly.
Extinction Rebellion NL consists of local groups, community groups and national circles. There are also groups that organise specific actions and campaigns.
Throughout the Netherlands are more than 40 local groups, such as XR Rotterdam and XR Achterhoek. These groups organise events and actions in that region.
Check local groupsIn a community group, you will find other rebels who share a piece of your identity. Think for example of XR Musicians or Rebels of Colour.
bekijk gemeenschapsgroepenOur national circles include people from all over the Netherlands. They support the other groups in things we arrange nationally, such as the website and finances.
Check national circles