Welcome Café

Social Gathering Training or Lecture Meeting

3 September 2023

11:00 to 13:45

Leemptstraat, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Price: Free

New rebels are welcome
[NL below]
11.00-13.00h Welcome café
13.00-13.45h Potluck

Join us for a vegan potluck lunch to welcome new rebels and people interested in our organisation!
This event is specifically for new people who would like to learn more about the structure and principles of XR and how to get involved.
Of course, everyone is welcome to join, so we hope to see many of of you there! 💚
11.00-13.00u Welkom café
13.00-13.45u Potluck

Kom ook naar deze vegan potluck lunch om nieuwe rebellen en geïnteresseerden te verwelkomen!
Dit event is speciaal voor nieuwe mensen, die graag meer willen weten over de structuur en principes van XR en hoe betrokken te raken.
Iedereen is natuurlijk welkom, dus we hopen velen van jullie te zien!💚


Thiemepark, Leemptstraat, Nijmegen, Netherlands