Reclaim our Future

Time is not on our side. We demand the end of the Fossil Port by 2030. The Netherlands must awaken to the climate crisis and strive for climate neutrality within this decade to keep global warming within the 1.5-degree Celsius limit. This future is incompatible with the continuation of fossil port activities. The Port must chart a new course towards transparency, ceasing all fossil activities, and focusing on real solutions that reduce CO2 emissions.

Our demands: Stop the Fossil Port by 2030

  • The state and municipal governments must shift to a crisis approach and become climate-neutral by 2030 to keep global warming within the 1.5-degree Celsius limit.
  • The Port Authority must develop and implement a comprehensive fossil exit strategy. All coal, oil and gas activities must stop.
  • Methane emissions, from LNG ships or otherwise, must be curbed.
  • All cruise ships and super yachts must be banned from the Rotterdam port.
  • Exclude companies without ambitious climate plans. There is no place in the port for companies without an effective climate strategy.

BEHIND SMOKE SCREENS : The Fossil Port of Rotterdam has global and massive environmental impacts

Our Demands

1. Reclaim Our Future

Time is not on our side. We demand the end of the Fossil Port by 2030. The Netherlands must awaken to the climate crisis and strive for climate neutrality within this decade to keep global warming within the 1.5-degree Celsius limit. This future is incompatible with the continuation of fossil port activities. The Port must chart a new course towards transparency, ceasing all fossil activities, and focusing on real solutions that reduce CO2 emissions.

2. Reclaim Our Jobs

We demand security and prosperity for all port workers. Green jobs must be the bedrock of our new economy. Companies that have profited from environmental destruction must bear the financial burden of retraining employees and creating new, sustainable job opportunities. This is the path to a just transition, ensuring protection and new prospects for workers in the green sector.

3. Reclaim Our Air

The air we breathe bears the toxic scars of port activities, affecting the health of every Rotterdam resident. We demand accountability, transparency, and restitution from those responsible. We demand solid measures to monitor toxic emissions, research into health risks, and compensation for the people of Rotterdam to rectify health damages and invest in local green infrastructure.

4. Reclaim Our Voice

The shareholders of the Port Authority must honor their societal duty to protect citizens’ health and combat climate change. The Port must abandon its unattainable green growth strategy, adjust its statutes to consider public interests, democratize decision-making processes and let citizen decide for their future. We reclaim the Port for the People of Rotterdam.