Online Workshop - Organising in XR (NL/EN)
Training or Lecture
12 May 2023
16:00 to 18:30
Price: Free
Less suitable for new rebels.
View all events for new rebels
Friday, 12th May from 16:00-18:30, the SOS Circle organises an online workshop about how we organise ourselves and collaborate in XR (language: NL/EN).
The workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to sociocracy and self-organisation, and is especially meant for rebels who have little or no experience with sociocracy. If you want to understand better how XR is organized, how to make decisions together or how to facilitate meetings better, this is a good place to start.
What will be covered, among other things:
- The basic principles of sociocracy
- Consent decision-making and the sociocratic meeting structure
- The organisational structure of circles and roles
Would you like to participate? Send an email to xrnlsos21@protonmail.com, stating:
- Your name;
- The XR circles/groups you are active in.
The workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to sociocracy and self-organisation, and is especially meant for rebels who have little or no experience with sociocracy. If you want to understand better how XR is organized, how to make decisions together or how to facilitate meetings better, this is a good place to start.
What will be covered, among other things:
- The basic principles of sociocracy
- Consent decision-making and the sociocratic meeting structure
- The organisational structure of circles and roles
Would you like to participate? Send an email to xrnlsos21@protonmail.com, stating:
- Your name;
- The XR circles/groups you are active in.